Monday, 16 April 2012

One More Sleep

It's unbelievable how time can fly by so fast and yet stand so still!  It seems like such a long time ago since I received a text from Jay that I thought was just a big joke - "how would you feel about relocating to the Caribbean"?  That was the middle of January and here we are already in the middle of April with only one more sleep until the boys and I step on that plane to take us to our new home, new friends, new culture, new just about everything. One more sleep until our friends and family at home will be missed, loved and appreciated like never before.  One more sleep until we as parents have an incredible responsibility yet equally wonderful opportunity to share with our boys in an adventure guided by our Heavenly Father that will have a profound impact on their lives.  

Robert and Callum are extremely excited even just to fly on a plane!  Robert and I flew together a few years ago and he was almost bursting with excitement the whole time the plane was moving, so I can't wait to hear that unique giggle again.  I think if he could just get in a plane and repeatedly take off and land all day he would be thrilled to pieces!  Callum on the other hand, has never flown before and for those who know Callum even just a little know that he has "no sit in his bum" - I'm hoping that he will surprise me and keep that character trait a secret from all the airline staff!  

Homeschooling has taken on a completely different "curriculum" these past few months.  The boys have learned about material things and how unimportant they are, a lesson that I think never ends!  Callum has enjoyed the countdown so much he doesn't realize he's also been learning subtraction!  They have learned how to paint and clean up paint spills, wash dishes, floors, windows, and walls.  They have learned how to make their beds in a hurry and how to make sure the house is ready for "show-time."  

One thing I have learned as a homeschooling mom is that I am learning more than the kids!  Recently, I have learned how patient God is and how impatient I can be sometimes. I catch myself saying "God's timing is always perfect" quite regularly and even though I know that truth deep in my heart, I have learned I can be quite reluctant to simply rest in His arms and be at peace with that perfect timing!  How often do I look back and praise God for His perfect timing in the past and yet find it so hard to praise Him for His perfect timing yet to come!  

Psalm 121:3 says, "He who watches over you will not slumber, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep".  So here we are... with ONE more sleep...when God is NOT sleeping, but is lovingly keeping watch over us, protecting, preparing and providing.  My God's not dead...He is surely alive!!

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