Thursday, 19 April 2012

Simple can be hard sometimes!!

In my last post I made reference to not having a credit card to purchase snacks for the boys on the plane.  Living without credit cards is a conscious albeit somewhat radical choice that Jay and I have made on our journey to debt-free living.  Like many people in today's society we have fallen prey to society's pressure to conform to a certain standard of living.  However, at the same time we have, by example, taught our children that purchases can always be made regardless of the balance in the bank account.  

Our move to the Cayman Islands will undoubtedly involve challenging budgeting adventures in addition to the many others we will encounter.  This island, like anywhere else is full of so many opportunities to spend, spend, spend!!!  And our children are no less capable of innocently pressuring us to blow our budget than when we lived in Canada!  The task of juggling our Canadian account and responsibilities there, coupled with expenses and two different currencies in the Caymans can seem daunting at times.   

The simple thing to do would be to cave in and apply for credit privileges here but in our choice for a simpler life that would make things more difficult.  In terms of budgeting we would of course follow the expected guidelines of paying the balance off monthly and that in itself is fairly simple.  However, I am convinced that it would become very difficult to exemplify to our boys how scripture promises that their Heavenly Father will supply all their needs and how constant prayer is so essential in the Christian walk.  

As Christian parents, Jay and I have an opportunity and responsibility in life, no matter where we live, to show to our children through our lives, right down to the last penny, that our God truly does care about us and will provide.  Hard as it may be for us to accept, maybe He won't provide everything according to the material list that WE have created. But He never has and never will go against His word to simply "supply all our needs according to His riches in glory." 

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